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Facing the Day

4 September 2013

Playa del Rey, Los Angeles, California.

It is true that it ain’t easy even when you have it ALL to get through a single day in paradise.  Just take a gander in the direction of the latest celebrity disaster and YOU will see photographic proof of marriage(s) in flames, substance abuse, and other FAILURES!

Yes, it is true that I used a strong word.  Failure is a word, WE adults don’t like, yet at the end of everyday, you either did a good job or— guess what—YOU did not.  NOW FACE IT!

Until YOU stop trying to play the blame game for your quality of life YOU will live in HELL.  IF your world does not work, the only way to change it is to LOOK within yourself at your choices and deal with the facts of your reality as authored by YOU.  Yes, YOU.

I know.  I know.  YOU, haven’t chosen to GET CANCER, GET FIRED, DOWNSIZED, or maybe even divorced.  It just happened.  Right.  Wrong.

YOU are at the center of the mess you make, just as whatever works in your life is yours to take credit for, to celebrate, to promote, to ENJOY!  I invest a lot of time and energy in celebrating my successes, sharing my joys. Yet, I don’t pretend that my life is perfect, because it is not.  I have no desire to be anything other than full of love and healed.  Rich, in my book, is the ability to feel love and caring for those that live in love and light and those that do not, too.


Frau K.