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Death in The Family

Los Angeles, California

29 July 2013


The fact is we all deal with ONE reality.  No matter how you slice it people you love will stop breathing while YOU must continue.  Why?

Well… for countless reasons of course.  Last but not least… IF everyone lived forever, where would you put all those people?  People are bulky things, animals.  Whenever anybody dies there is always a body to deal with.  Unavoidable.  Even in crime-shows: THE BODY is always a key narrative element in a story of death.  It must always be examined after death and then prepared for burial…

So final.  “The last resting place…”  Yikes.  That phrase really sounds… TERMINAL.

Metaphors abound.  Words flow.  Tears tickle.  Feelings swell.

WE ride the bus of emotions UP and DOWN when LOVE passes through town.

WHEN someone we LOVE reaches the “Final Destination.”

The place where we leave our bodies behind.

The End.

Is not the end for everybody else.  WE must carry on and continue to fulfill our duties with all the dignity and grace one can muster.  WE MUST.  There is no choice in that regard; as long as we LIVE we are here to LIVE, LOVE, LEARN and get on with the business of LIFE.


El Fin.

End of story… No.  The SOUL… that tiny wisp of cosmos… lives on.

How?  What?  YOU ask.  I won’t answer.  You won’t believe me.  I don’t mind.  I just don’t expect anybody who doesn’t believe to start believing just because I do.

Now, that THAT threshold moment in our lives is NOW… we pray and thank goodness we had the chance to LOVE the living ANGEL while she simply enjoying LIFE in her increasingly dilapidated body. Really, she is better off now, I think.  Free, of that cumbersome shell and part of everything that makes the world stick together and keeps oxygen free.


Frau Kolb


(This is a private photograph taken long ago in Germany, please do not steal or alter or use this image in anyway, IF YOU do… beware the Kolb curse.)
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On Celebrating LOVE with FOOD!

Los Angeles California,

Sunday, 11 August, 2013


Photo of watercolor painting done in Marsberg, Germany, last week by Frau Kolb © 2013, all rights reserved, of course!

I’m glad to say I’ve never had a problem having FUN!  Difficulties in LIFE come and GO, yet I manage to stay afloat in LIFE and LOVE by following the simple maxim, coined by my sweet husband when I got the dreaded advance life-threatening breast cancer diagnosis, a few years ago, (by the way, I’m totally STRONG LIKE BULL now, feeling younger and more dynamic, daily) “When we get BAD news: WE CELEBRATE!  When we get GOOD news: WE celebrate.”

Thus, our marriage is a happy one.  Our home is full of JOY!  Proof: our children spontaneously sing, dance, and simply soar above expectations of “NORMAL,” children with  their glorious super-talent for self expression and honest good spirits.  Despite the fact that during their lives they’ve faced a lot of DEATH.  Not only was I very ill and undergoing intensive medical interventions for several years, but recently the children lost their beloved grandmother, Frau Christine Kolb or Marsberg, Germany.  The grandparents have one after another faded and died in hospitals and at home.  WE miss them, yet… we continue to celebrate being here now and our LOVE for each other.

Now, If someone YOU love is having a birthday it is imperative that YOU go OUT-OF-YOUR-COMFORT-ZONE to demonstrate LOVE!  If the person has undergone tremendous stress and loss, it is doubly significant that YOU demonstrate LOVE for the beloved.  NOTHING is over the top in my book.

Thus, I changed my Facebook profile image, to a picture of US, together.  I wrote him the cheesiest public Birthday message, IF (you wanna read THAT, you must dig around the site, under Zoom in with Frau Kolb).  He LOVES that, because it is more proof that I love him, you see.  Today, like every other day, Daddy was KING at home.  I served him and his friends like ROYALTY.  Yes, we are talking FAST and elegant service, made complete by little bows and many courtesies to our guests.  THEY loved THAT!

I cooked, of course.  Cooking is a major way in which I demonstrate LOVE.  Yep, the old maxim of shortest route to another’s heart works for ME.  I made a FEAST for my Love and his friends.  Having just arrived from Munich, Germany.  I’m so glad they stopped here for some American hospitality.  The first course: was delicious tart lemony Fish Ceviche.  YUM!  Then we had organic salad with cucumbers  vine-ripe tomatoes, red beets, and greens ALL from the Farmer’s market.  We had BBQ.  We drank various wines, as appropriate.  Not, too much, mind you…  For desert, we had flour-less chocolate cake, which I did not bake but I paid good money for it at Bristol Farms, because they have the best local bakery.

Thank goodness, that ass a younger woman I worked in New York city restaurants, in Soho, I was long ago the world’s most negligent waitress, flirting with the affluent and super cool clientele of rust-funded artists and bankers was more my bag, nevertheless, I learned to carry trays of food with aplomb.  Before that I  cooked for about 3 years in high end Manhattan health-clubs and I had a little catering business on the side.  Thus, I will gladly  roast a turkey, make boat loads of side dishes, serve lunch for a hundred, set a king-size table, and uncork the right wine(s), wine pairings being a forte for me, clean up, and seem NOT BUSY while doing it, which is KEY.

Now, I’m happy because my loving husband is HAPPY and no thing means more to me.

Now you know.  I hope that this inspires YOU to taking LOVING action and demonstrate undying affection for those that float your boat.  And… IF you don’t have a special someone in your life it might be because YOU don’t cook.

Peace from California,

Frau Kolb

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Delight in Retreat

Los Angeles, California

Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Taking time for yourself is key IF you’d like to unlock the secrets of your well-being. For many people rushing from one urgent activity, one news story, speeding to click away from this blog and onto the NEXT one is simply their version of living! Forever chasing an elusive MORE IMPORTANT moment that is always on the edge outside of NOW, NOT in the present tense. EVER!

RUSHING, relentlessly, rarely leads to BLISS. Don’t DO IT! Take a BREATHER!

The most ancient of Sages can be imagined saying that, “It isn’t the destination but rather how one arrives which really matters.” I am convinced that you can’t enjoy the ride without taking time to smell the rosemary, the eucalyptus, and the organic lavender. Roses are powerful, too. When was the last time you really looked at their spiraling grace and winding intricacies of their natural splendor, perfect geometry? So… make time for beauty, self care, silence, meditation, reflection, and sheer introspection.

Bathing, for example, can be more than mere hygiene routine. Add ritual and silence… light a candle or two, let the voice of the sublime penetrate your soul as you soak in a tub of warm, hot, ice-cold, salted, oiled, and/or fragrant water. Ah!

And… IF you are lucky you come from a SPA culture. You know about bathing with others or being scrubbed like a fish on a market table by a lady in black underwear and rubber slippers.

This is true BLISS! To be tossed around by the rhythmic waves of rushing water and wrapped in seaweed, draped in mud, rolled in sugar, sprayed with honey, doused with cucumber spritz.


The JOYS of the the JADE STEAM ROOM!


Over the years, I’ve been to many SPAS in Los Angeles, especially, but in other cities too. Once, we even visited a bathhouse in Japan.  Another time I frolicked with boys and girls in a delightfully hot and stinky bubbling sulfur pool outside of Florence, Italy. Which was lovely, but so long ago… I barely remember.  Yet, we wore swimsuits… I was dreaming it was nude… but, that wouldn’t be the case… of course and others shared water space with you, which is a sacred form of communication from one soul to another.

I’m grateful that there exist places where one can go and bath with others and that bathing, grooming, and living are not pleasures entirely confined to the privacy of the home.  Specifically, I’m glad that I live in LA where the Korean Baths rule my world.  Especially the Olympic Spa on Norton. They nail the idea that it must be predominately S I L E N T in a SPA in order to help activate the mind/body connection and put one in the right state of mind for facing the noise, making more noise, and getting back to healing Q U I E T!

Peace OUT,

Frau Kolb

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Facing the Day

4 September 2013

Playa del Rey, Los Angeles, California.

It is true that it ain’t easy even when you have it ALL to get through a single day in paradise.  Just take a gander in the direction of the latest celebrity disaster and YOU will see photographic proof of marriage(s) in flames, substance abuse, and other FAILURES!

Yes, it is true that I used a strong word.  Failure is a word, WE adults don’t like, yet at the end of everyday, you either did a good job or— guess what—YOU did not.  NOW FACE IT!

Until YOU stop trying to play the blame game for your quality of life YOU will live in HELL.  IF your world does not work, the only way to change it is to LOOK within yourself at your choices and deal with the facts of your reality as authored by YOU.  Yes, YOU.

I know.  I know.  YOU, haven’t chosen to GET CANCER, GET FIRED, DOWNSIZED, or maybe even divorced.  It just happened.  Right.  Wrong.

YOU are at the center of the mess you make, just as whatever works in your life is yours to take credit for, to celebrate, to promote, to ENJOY!  I invest a lot of time and energy in celebrating my successes, sharing my joys. Yet, I don’t pretend that my life is perfect, because it is not.  I have no desire to be anything other than full of love and healed.  Rich, in my book, is the ability to feel love and caring for those that live in love and light and those that do not, too.


Frau K.

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Dearest Readers of Talkinggrid,

Thank you for continuing to show up here at this looney outpost in the sea of internet possibility. I know the space around us is vast but if you will simply, “come under the shadow/ of this red rock with me…”


Today’s theme:

The Enthusiasm to Thrive

Life rains, storms, and twitches of lightening… Rings OUT! FIRE! You run. Hands up. Fingers in the sky like a man about to be executed in a Velasquez painting. Almost, screaming… It is dark. No one helps. You blaze. The flames lick your face. You are engulfed, yet… you silence yourself and… you exhale. Then…

You stop. You whirl around and gracefully remove the blazing blue and white fan print cotton kimono over your cheerful silk robe. You land on a specially prepared canvas strip. Nude. The audience inhales inward, joy. They never thought they’d see you so… expansive, free. You leave behind a massive streak of ash and flame colored pigment, smears of blood colored pigment in some natural oily binder … YOU are an artist, deep in the midst of a primal performance, a body painter in a near future art gallery on a barge somewhere off in a space previously unknown and now happening hotspot. The Premium… juice is flowing from easy-access fountains.


Here we see ghosts dancing with Madams made of Smoke and Leprechauns coming onto Mermaids, “I see you dig wearing green, like me… May I buy you a pint?” Says a dashing short man in mossy leather trousers and a bent felt hat, from another era. She smiles, down at her new suitor, and vows to sing for him a song he will remember, just after she sips the Margarita which sits before her, efficiently delivered by an invisible bartender, known for his quick hands and heavy pours.


You wake up and discover that your wallet is gone. You never meant to have that second drink. But the girl, with the well-read lips, swam over and offered nothing, well she just looked thirsty and you ordered, “The Best for The Lady!” Feeling buoyant. The rest is written in sperm whale juice, shipped via Spain to the orient, after processing in a plant on the east side of Los Angeles.

Energy? Steam? Hot air, wind, sun… what is gets you out of bed? What is your urgent duty? Who sings to you? Do you LOVE someone? Are you happy just to feel the wind kiss your faces as you enter the cozy entrails of the subway or are you the one laughing just because you have the freedom to spend the morning doing dishes and putting away the laundry? Ah, lucky domestic person with a home to love, to decorate, celebrate, and brighten the space between rushing and silence.


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23 Good Moves When SLEEP Evades

Silence is my best friend.


1.) Read a book, why don’t you?  Learning is everyone’s most important occupation on Earth.  You claim, you “never have time to read these days.”  Now, get to it.

2.) Meditate.  Yes, it might make you sleepy.

3.) Write a poem.  This is FREE time for you to express yourself in writing.  Come ON!  You can do IT!

4.) Do Yoga.  A good stretch is one of the gifts you can give yourself anytime.  Think BIG, beautiful, gracious thoughts while you take a deep breath.

5.) Empty your spam folder.  Or do some other small de-cluttering task.  It might make you feel lighter.  You might find that ring you thought you lost, last season, on your whirlwind trip to New York City.   Think about the spam you get.  Why you?  What did you sign up for?  When?  Whatever it was is a weak spot for you.  Explore and then snore.

6.) Discover what your home has to say about you.  Think about it.  Are you comfortable?  If not, why not?  What could you do to make your life better?  Decide to do it.

7.) Find shelter IF  by any chance, you are homeless, wandering around, wondering what you are doing when you are 64… then it is time you plan your retirement.  Unless you LOVE the street and the great outdoors, think… oh, sorry… you must be mentally ill and well… maybe you are one of those smelly people at the public library, which I LOVE –––by the way––please take care, find a home, I wish you all the best.  I haven’t faced full-on homelessness, always knowing in my heart I could go home to Mama IF I really had to.

8.) Make a list of everyone who you will release from duty.  Let go of people who are not in sync with your spirit, Choose allies you trust and that are proven by frequent acts of love and generosity.

9.) Plan your next party.  Throw a party to thank everyone that LOVES you.

10.) Have a drink.  Water is fine.  Make yourself a chamomile tea. Sip it. S L O W…

11.) Kiss your spouse.  Cuddle.  Make love to yourself or someone else.  GO FOR IT!

12.) Thank goodness you are alive.  Pray, only if it works for you.  IF not just a little note to self of thanks is dandy. Yes, pat yourself on the back for being.  YOU are an important member of society.  We are counting on YOU to stay alive and keep us company.  OK?

13.) Plan your escape or return or debut or comeback.  Learn to play chess, if you don’t know, already.

14.) IF you don’t have a spouse, get one, otherwise tell the freeloading bum you have  in your bed/head to “get the fuck out.”  IF you are alone, thank yourself for not inviting a stranger to come home and show you a good time.

15.) Organize your closet.

16.) Make a grocery list and gloat yourself to sleep over the money you save by thiniking ahead.

17.) Wrap presents for Loved Ones, in last year’s home-recycled, wrapping paper. “Waste not want not.”

18.) Use glue.  Collage is a democratic art form for everyone to explore.  Take up knitting.  Perhaps, this is the best time to update your blog, better yet IF you don’t have one… you might consider what you would blog about and start one, because it really is fun to have a place to be, a radio-station of your own.   Do something useful.  This is an opportunity to do some good work.  We all have missions we must work on.  The only valid missions are those that aim at benefiting all humans.  Don’t waste time being greedy or planning how to get more than anyone else.  It is not worth the stress.

19.) Lotion yourself.  Massage your legs and arms.  Feel happy to be ALIVE and take a deep breath.

20.) Listen to the silence.  It is packed with messages and guidance from the source.   The source, as readers of self-help books will know, is the collective intelligence which is available to every human in equal share ALL THE TIME but you must be relaxed and at ease in order to hear it.  So… take this evening as an opportunity to explore the benefits of insomnia.  Enjoy and praise your sleeplessness.

21.) Try self-help audio.  For example: Dr. Wayne Dyer, Erckhart Tolle, and Deepack Chopra are the three masters of the genre.  Give these authors a try, for an after midnight blend of enlightenment with a good dose of humor.  (By the way, in order to enhance your and mine web experience, I just clicked the link to these author’s web-sites and they are very interesting looking humans with deep eyes.  Check it out.)

22.) Take a deeper breath.  Read the list again.  Laugh.  Think how lucky you are to know Frau Kolb LOVES you and wishes you a deep and restful, restorative sleep, whenever it comes to you, like a MUSE in the night.

23.) Exhale slowly.

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Thanksgiving in April

Dinner Matters

Dearest Loyal Talkinggrid Supporters,

We ride up to the sunrise, catching it as it lashes about…

a meeting in the morning…. sunrise happening again and coffee roasted.

Perfection in a tea cup. Ah!

Last night, we had the pleasure of dining at the most thoughtful hostess’s home. It was, thanks to her and her husband’s hospitality T H A N K S G I V I N G in April, last night! Yet…

She is a vegetarian. Yet, last night she served a delicious thinly sliced roasted fish, pesto and plain noodles, organic asparagus, lentils, bread, and more delicious conversation than I have had since, the other guest last night, my dearest friend invited me to her home, a magical place, with a big garden overlooking the canyon, where the children bounce and borrow books from each other. I sit in the corner of, transport pad… launch, from domestic cozy space-to-the-universe kitchen, with tall pint of dark Irish inspiration, talking with whichever one of her rustic tribe of hand-picked misfits… a curly haired Caribbean woman, vague and obscure, in San Diego via New York sits across from me jabbering on the ins and outs of hand made Japanese paper and book binding techniques… the kind of arcane topic WE ART NERDS live for. Pleasure!

Recently, just over a week ago, last Saturday night, we attended a lovely house warming party. We laughed standing around the hibachi drinking beers and talking about weaving pipe cleaners with artist Don Porcella. Social life in San Diego… isn’t hurting. I’m happier here, than in LA, where without an active Film Project one is invisible… not always a sad state. Yet, I like it better here and in New York. (I really must POP into Manhattan, soon… I have old art buddies to see… intimate art chats to have… digital video documents to create.)

Last night, I sat at the table zoning out, feeling bliss. Thanking goodness that my friends and I were born to host and entertain, to love and to maintain. I think. Yes… our garden

F L O W E R S!

The same group of friends, we take turns entertaining each other… we are very different from each other… glowing shades of an ideal female goddess, a mother, THE Muse… these women are my sisters, much a kin to the beautiful pet, egg laying, chickens… one white, another brown, another a fabulous GOLD chicken, clucking in the immaculate rectangle of rectangles and trees, heavy with long yellow fruit… into the evening and night we talk about all the little details too tender for public discourse… we share these morsels of self with each other… rambling…we feast in each other’s company. We are more than mere dinner companions (notice: the Latin root…) WE break bread, together. WE are surrogate family to one another, giving each other warmth and some… shit, sometimes, a little… But, only me, I’m the only one that doesn’t always understand everything. I’m the rudest of the three tactful and trustworthy women. Fortunately, they forgive me and overlook my short comings time and again.

Unfortunately, can not we see each other each and everyday. There was a point, when we had babies that we all lived in the same neighborhood, that was when we founded our timeless, untamed, and delicious bond. Our friendship was established on the firm ground of affinity and now has roots in the passage of time and in the accumulation of memories, efforts, and shared news. Fortunately, we live in the same city. Thus, we are able to get together in turns, at least once per month. We are mothers. We work. We guide our children’s growth. We have projects, deadlines… stress… we carry the burden… among us… we laugh, making light of our personal troubles.

Last night, the Champagne, hit the spot!

The Children ate at their own al fresco table. We sat inside and forgot about them. They are big kids now… they don’t need us, so much, anymore. They ran around, wearing funny hats after dinner, and my kids sang a Roland Kaiser song to the Irish-American-Mexican, by choice… Best Friend. She could not believe how well the children sing in German!

Three couples and their children… we have known, for a decade… we are dear to each other. We form a group, an extended family. It is marvelous to watch the children grow, together. They know each other so well. They are a team of sorts, each growing his or her own way, as we all have, over the years… We three mothers became friends years ago… having met in a mother’s group and founded a mother’s Book Club; over copious amounts of Vueve Cliquot and petite fours… which thrives to this day.

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Before I became Frau Kolb, I was a single girl growing up in Manhattan, New York. Despite the fact that I always wore combat boots and thought myself some sort of punk; boys and men liked me and I went out on lots and lots of fun dates.  (There are so many opportunities for a beer drinking girl, that likes to listen to men talk, to be taken out in a city full of bars, and no need to ever drive a car.)  I like(d) boys and men, too.  I’ve always seen them as those two distinct categories. Boys are cute, sexually attractive beings, with little else to offer.

Men are sometimes handsome, sometimes NOT, yet always come with financial muscle.

Boys you play with and get over, because they are out there playing and getting on with being boys.

Men are dangerous.  One must be cautious.  Listen.  Say, “No!” often.  You don’t want a man to get the impression he can do whatever he wants with you.  Never.  Men will take you for a ride if they believe they can.  You must pay attention.  You must be ready to run or fight.  Don’t be scared, yet don’t be vulnerable.

Anyway, that said…

One love affair blended into the next and I dated some truly amazing men.  Having left home at age seventeen, by the time I was twenty-one, I’d lived with a man that got me my first job cooking at an exclusive health club in Manhattan.  I’d go into work at five am and “cut down a crate of carrots, onions, celery, wash the turkey, season it, turn on the convection oven…” I’d be there, focused, cooking… day after day… I made a turkey every week day for almost two years, straight.  Until I was promoted within the company to a better, more luxurious location at the Atrium building on 57th Street.

So… from my beautiful, former model, tall and slender, blue-eyed Mayflower WASP professional bartender boyfriend, I learned: cooking as a way of making a living and to this day, I can make lunch for a hundred with ease.  Serving food is my forte.  I cook daily, at home and it means the world to me to do so.  Every time my husband and I have people over for a seamless dinner I thank good for my EX, boyfriend, who taught me how to keep it sizzling.  Every time.

Yet, I left him for a man, with big green eyes, dark hair, creamy colored thick smooth skin, fat lips… ah!  I found him so sexually appealing, he looked like a man, he was twice my age, but really he was just an old boy… he had no clue how to make a living and I guess he was just waiting for his mother to pass away so he might inherit the house… whatever… I had to pay half the rent; this boyfriend was a chronic smoker of what is now called, “Medical.”   This boy-man and I sent a lot of time drinking and exploring horizontal positions.  We were happy children together, yet I had to pay half the rent, even though he was twice my age and I was… well frankly a long leggy stunner…

Leaving room for the next boyfriend to slip in with his wallet.  I left the cozy, comfortable, German and Irish, beer drinking, and self-help book reading, Boy Toy Man that could barely pay his half of our East Village rent for the rust-funded Little MAN that dominated my life, ate my peace, destroyed my ability to earn a living working in restaurants, by taking me out to eat almost daily, to expensive joints in Soho, while showering me with presents and cash.  I was, seriously, his sugar baby.  I had no idea that was what I was.  I thought he loved me and that we would someday marry.

At first, I felt so bad that he had a girlfriend living with him when we met.  Yet, he assured me… he pursued me, he seduced me with his elegant script on fine paper love letters… Ah!  At the end-of-the-day… I’m a Romantic.  My grandfather was Spanish… I have a soft spot for Picasso and bleeding bulls.

This important EX taught me about ART, Fibonacci wave patterns, and the stock market. (Lest we forget: he was mind boggling between the sheets, a true artist.) I loved him… but I was immature and… I kept finding myself with other guys, including that Irish/German Hippy apologetically Stoner Dude, mentioned before… and the English boyfriend, the one with the golden red hair… oh, no… now my time line is messed up… anyway… there was some overlap.  The Little Art Man from California, challenged me, “I can’t marry someone who hasn’t gone to college.” He said smugly, one day.  Thus, I decided to apply to many a school, I got into all my choices, and was offered a full scholarship at Columbia University in the city of New York.

Thank goodness.

The boyfriend story, however, continues:

Then came H.  We met at the bar at the brand-new Reebok Club in NYC.  I was a student at Columbia University, looking for a quiet, refined place, to read my material for a literature class.  He was making Monica Lewinsky jokes, the news was on an old television set over the bar.  He was funny. He was cute, big brown eyes. He said he was 52 years old and yet, he looked great to me.  I was no ageist.

Soon it became redundantly clear that he was really rich.  He introduced me to the pleasure of drinking fine red wine.  In his company I learned to eat as many oysters as I pleased, and to distinguish between luxury and everything else.  I loved him.  I would have gladly married him and had his Jewish babies.  I would have converted with pride and become more Jewish than any other convert.  Yet, it turned out that he had lied about his age, he was actually 72.  I was 24.  He was fitter than I, and I was fit.  He was still running marathons.  He did advanced yoga.  He was a physical marvel.  I wanted babies.  He was over it.  His sons were older than me. I only met one of them, at his Hampton estate, and I felt ill at ease: he could have been my father! So…

Toward the end of our six or seven month relationship, we met up in England… no I was in England, in London for the summer, staying with a friend and his girlfriend, chasing the red-haired Oxford illusion… that boyfriend, which actually, was a brief yet… not easily dismissed… I was 17 and he was 18, when we met… he was in NYC for the summer, it was his first job, mine too, at a restaurant on the Upper East Side.  He was staying with his classmate, whose father was the second at the British consulate.  (They used to call me, “The Pretty Negress.”) So… he had a whole floor in a brownstone in the best location… near the crappy restaurant, where the EX boyfriend that got me my first cooking job when RED left me to go back to his life of privilege and life quenching adherence to antiquated notions of propriety.  Ah… the British… love ‘em, hate ‘em… they continue.

Anyway… RED, gave me insights into the mentality of a vaguely aristocratic or rather POSH mentality, which to this day irks me.  He was the most unapologetically classist being I’d ever met.  (I guess IF a system works for you, then you work to uphold it…), which I found refreshingly honest.  I liked him, a lot… I liked his voice: proper English.  Listening to him, chatting with him… is blissful, at times… we stayed in touch for years, I’d call him and he’d share his adventures, until recently… when it became clear that he was taking ME, Frau Kolb, totally for granted, he’d become used to having me share of myself with him.  Further more, he secretly prefers to date young black girls from the wrong side of London… a secret, which offends me.  Thus, I let go of that attachment, only recently.

Back to H.

We were not together for very long.  He got along famously: both New Yorkers.  He was from the Bronx and had grown up struggling.  I loved his Alpha-Male energy.  Yet, he was very old and very wealthy.  I was completely at ease in his company.  I felt safe allowing him to make decisions… the only topic I knew more about than him was art… He started collecting Miro… I would have gladly married him.  He was the only person I ever met that had the capacity to keep me completely entertained and at ease; no need to work, invisible servants catered to our every whim when we lived together at the Hampshire House.  I had my own room, filled with books, and a wonderful view.  Every night we went out to New York’s best seafood restaurants.  I ate oysters.  He ate grilled fish and salad.  We drank VINO, together.  He was the BEST, until he dumped me.

Yes.  It is true.

The lessons he taught me: he taught me that CASH, a big wad of it, waved at anybody in service with get you whatever you want.  Drop a hundred dollar bill on a host in a restaurant and you will get the best table.  Moreover, make a habit of giving to others more than they expect and then leave them when they get addicted to your magnificence and they will remember you for life.

* Special thanks to my husband Hartmuth, for helping me, sort out my history and for not being afraid of ghosts.

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23 Steps to Exit Hellish States of Mind

When YOU are down you have to get UP again:



The Valley of Dolores

Almost immediately, we tripped into it.  Madness, on the outskirts of Hell was nearby… we were out strolling… down memory lane, when we crashed into The Horror The Horror.  Sometimes you slip into a place where you are out of grace, out of time, exhausted… almost drowning in the hot volcanic mud of ever burning Hades.  You struggle…


1.)  Take a deep breath. Exhale. Admit to yourself that you are far from HOME.  You are in peril.  Take note.  Scream, if you must… shout for “Help!”  (In hell, of course no one cares; everyone is too busy being tortured themselves that they have zero time or compassion for the “problems,” of others.)  Think about it, you are here for a reason.  Perhaps you are thinking only of you and your problems.  Look around, help someone.  That might be the ticket out of hell for YOU!

2.) Center yourself upon the knowing you have strayed and must return to the paradise of writing routines, long walks, and deep meditations in paint and other musical materials. (Yes, if you started to seek yourself in the flashing reflections of computer monitors and television screens; it is now time to unplug and try resting. Rest helps.)

3.) Thank goodness that you know where you are and suddenly experience relief.  Yes!  Allow that mud caked around your ankles, the cast, the weights, the chains, the shackles, the whatever-holds-you-back to fall away and quickly MOVE to the safety of honesty and truth.

4.) Running, skipping, jumping: somehow getting enough exercise is key in feeling mentally and spiritually balanced.  YOU have to dance your way back to health and happiness and you can only do that on a tummy full of healthy (organic) or even better, home-grown, fresh food.  Accept no substitutes.  You are what you eat and if GMOs are a part of your diet or you eat a lot of animal products (they have to eat whatever is put in their feed, much like… us.) don’t be surprised if you feel like a big fat burger roasting on the coals of El Inferno.

5.) Get a stack of seven life-saving books.  The book is your stable friend even in the worst adversity.  Seven books add up to a gaggle of buddies to back you up and help you fortify your positions and get on with the JOY that life is meant to be, no matter what the situation, do not stray into the land of illusion where the drama seems to mean more than the spiritual.  When choosing books in times of adversity; make sure to pick upbeat topics, arcane interests, and study materials, in the middle of a crisis is a great time to brush up on you Mandarin.

6.) Bathing works wonders.  I’ve encountered few problems that a scented, oil bath wasn’t a way to feeling better.  Don’t have a tub?  Shower with scrub mittens… and perhaps a eucalyptus scented lotion.  Even a hot towel on your hands and feet can help you feel more human, just take time to thank goodness that you have hands, a towel… really be grateful.

7.) Masturbate.  Endorphins are good for you. Relieve some stress… get it on with number ONE.

8.) Appreciate those around you.  You wouldn’t be alive if you hadn’t received your share of kindness along the way.  After all, infants are obviously vulnerable… each adult human no matter how damaged or battered is proof of human kindness.  Value that truth.

9.) Notice, that others need your help and focus on lifting weights off neighboring shoulders.  Be courteous.  Politeness, respect, and consideration go a long way toward creating peaceful conditions anywhere.  It helps you and others feel better, instantly.

10.) Find a way to really help another, not an empty gesture, but a real action, resulting in another person feeling LOVED, cared for by you.  YOU will instantly feel better when you show great tenderness for another.  Loving another is an immediate way to loving yourself, again.  When you feel good about yourself, your actions, it means you have taken responsibility for your quality of life.  (In HELL, your family send you “HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” text messages that mean absolutely nothing in the grip of timelessness.)

11.) Writing is a righteous way to cope.  Jot down your feelings, make lists, use whatever tools are at hand to help you sort through the complexities of the situation and the implement a plan based on your notes.  Just having done this exercise gives you the strength to move forward and enjoy life.

12.) Remember: you have purpose.  You are beautiful.  You are unique.  Frau loves you. This alone should help you dance across the roasting coals and spring to the eternal green of abundance and wonderment at the beauty which is everywhere. (Yesterday, I was on a public bus, facing the Pacific, on one of the most dazzling stretches, I’ve ever seen… around me, workers, peddlers, vagrants, various students of nothing-in-particular ignored the view.  It was fascinating to watch these fellow humans be oblivious to their setting, so very uncaring and preoccupied.  (IN HELL no one ever has time; you are rushed from one treatment, to the next, there is NO REST in HELL!)

13.) humor is magical.  The instant you surrender to a big belly rolling HAH!  Hah!  is heavenly… Laughing at one’s own mistakes is sacred and cleansing; great good can come from this form of jovial mirth.  (In HELL, hyena like derisive laughter echoes down endless, labyrinthian halls… devils thrive in putting others down, whatever you “race,” they know the exact racist comments to make you feel the burning scorn of HADES.  Sadists that take pleasure in humiliating others or causing deliberate pain to their victims, are to be put on spits and turned around like hot dogs for eternity when the never ending orgy or malicious intent and distorted responses of dictators and mad doctors… like the Nazi Death Camp atmosphere,  the space where all is stagnant and there is no giggling allowed, no room for revelry, a fetid pool of half dead people, all of whom could care less about others, in the cubicles next to yours, like rats in a barrow… feasting on horror.)  Honest laughter never revolves around another’s perceived or imagined short comings, it is never malicious.  Healthy laughter is never at another’s expense.  Humor, that hinges on marveling at life’s madness is good for the battered soul.  Try it.

14.) Don’t try to convert the damned.  Sometimes, you just have to cut yourself off from the creatures that you seek to protect.  People that bring you down, make you feel terrible about life, are like stormy weather and inhibit darkness, bringing their heinous gravitas everywhere they go are to be dismissed in favor of those that cultivate peace, love, humor, and kindness as daily active virtues.

15.) Avoid the armies of brain dead, intellectually ossified, people for whom everything good is invisible, that live for consuming cultural products without creating material to feed future generations of mentally hungry humans.  Lack of creativity is HELLISH in my book.

16.) Materialism means that you don’t enjoy good things in life because your focus is on the cost of goods rather than the enjoyment and appreciation of effort and beauty.  Being chained to a pearl necklace, which should be given away freely, as a token of LOVE to a caring other… is a way in which prioritizing having over giving, which makes monsters of those that are incapable of giving goodness.  Leaving a crummy tip for a zealous server: a highway to a hell of big pots were cheapskates are consumed for all eternity!)

17.) Leap over steaming murky pools of self pity that we are prone to wallow in when we feel we’ve been wrong by focusing on the fact that on the other side of self pity is a glorious oasis of self respect, waiting.

18.) Draw a line, separating yourself from the faults others project onto you.  Be NOT the blank screen upon which lacerated howling sinners project their morbid fantasies.  Allow no one to assign you the role of Virgil in the tour of some festering cesspool of evil.

19.) Stop trying to please everyone.  Make it clear what you will and will not accept.  Be willing to die, a billion deaths, rather than be bland, dead, and/or neutral.  Take a stand.  Defend the light.  Be brilliance personified.  SHINE!

20.) Be willing to MAKE ENEMIES.  You don’t want friends that are selfish devils.  Nope.  No thanks.

21.) Release, all the half-assed bullshit friends that never actually help or contribute a dime to your operation.  Keep friends that care what condition you are in and help you to live a better life.  Live in communion and constant exchange of courtesy and affection.  Gift giving and exchanging is KEY to the pearly gates.

22.) Notice: when a devil is disguised as a harmless little old lady.  Recognize that evil comes in all packages and that ONE must be alert to distinguish the evil in one’s own conduct.  We all lie.  We all take short cuts.  NO ONE, least of all, I is perfect.  Yet, to inhibit a life where prosperity, peace, and pleasure are routine one must be discerning and willing to surgically amputate cancerous connections with toxic fork-tongued folk of the underworld.

23.) Realize that you are SUPER LUCKY to be alive and that even IF you are suffering now… you have had the pleasure of breathing, reading, learning, and loving.  Nothing, could be better, no paradise more succulent and crowded with monarch butterflies, buzzing bees, and healthy human and animal life.


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27 Ways to Welcome the New Year!

Dearest and most cherished Talkinggrid  Readers, Commentators, Contributors, Donors, and Critics,

Thank you, again for allowing Talkinggrid  into your life in 2012 or 13… whenever you started to visit this lowly yet unique web-site… the voice of a quirky, cute, fuzzy thinking, artist ––Frau Kolb—on the loose,  a wild (art) Party (performance) Person from New York… or is she from the Caribbean, IF so… what is with this Frau… Business?  

(Writing is therapeutic.  Reading this I hope you feel healed of your own insignificance and connected to the larger whole of human experience.)

Seven DAYS into the NEW year… Frau Invites you reconsider your resolutions and arrive at a better approach.

So… here we go:

27 Ways to Welcome  The NEW YEAR!!! 

1.)  Don’t stop.  Think about the holiday season as a period for celebrating the magic, the light, and the eternal unending love.  These are good reasons to take better care of yourself: cook, clean-the-house, groom the self, and socialize.  If you did a solid rendition of Thanksgiving, way back in November you: ate well, home cooked organic and healthy food, fresh made with lots of carrots and celery and perhaps… turkey/tofu turkey.  

Now, in January, we launch the NEW year with French bubbly and friends.  Do: have people over to your still decorated holiday home.  Don’t go out on New Year’s Eve: it is always disappointing.  Expensive and loud, the holiday boils down to freezing outdoor mayhem: don’t bother.  

2.) Let GO!  Review the last year.  What worked?  What habits/people/places demand to be released “the their highest good,” in the NEW Year?  Let these people, positions, and mistakes be a part of the past and make a clean rip into the NEW YOU! 

3.)  Make a list of everything you LOVE about yourself and want to enhance.  What are your best qualities and how are you going to improve your game/performance/results/numbers/stats in 2014.  Focus on what you do well, love to do, and want to do more… IF it works for you, brings you good, then do more.  (Seems obvious, I know yet, it is New Year and every New Year, is an opportunity to review and make changes.)

4.)  Invest in creating a New Year that reflects what and who you are or desire to become.  

5.) Don’t forget your monthly spa treatment.

6.) Carefully put away the holiday decorations.  Collecting ornaments over the decades and generations, telling stories of family members long gone is one of the most holiday enhancing activities I reserve time for.  Yet, packing away our little treasures to be used again, next year, extends the holiday glow, just a little longer.  (Atheists can skip this step.)

7.)  Decide what 2014 is going to be about for YOU!   Give the year a title.  For example; “This is the Have-Toned-ABS or Eat-Only-Organic-Meats,” Year. This brings focus to your efforts and makes it easy to look back next year on your achievements.   Develop a one year plan for personal success.  What does, “success,” mean to you?  Shave it down to five words.  Keep these words close, make them your mantra, become the butterfly you are.

8.) Plan to have a great year.  What do you have to look forward to?  If the answer is “No Thing.” Well… why? 

What did you do to make it so… awful?  What can you do this month, TODAY, Now… to make it better?

9.) Remember to express gratitude to all the beautiful people who toss you a smile, a quarter, a tip, a bit of love; here-and-there are people that give you just enough love to keep you going.  Thank them, again. 

10.)  Be nice.  Be generous.  The more you give the more YOU get.  Don’t be afraid to LOVE passionately.  Dive in in 2014 to the power of kindness.  YOU can do it. 

12.) Give everyone space to be themselves, including yourself.  Accept that you have issues and that you are not likely to change, yet you might try… occasionally… in the name of tradition, to reform yourself with clock-like regularity around this time of year, to no avail because you are basically always going to be the boring old goat that has to piddle and poo. 

12.)  Read more books.  Make more time by cutting back on the freakin’ entertainment that consumes much of everybody’s time.  We all watch shows.  Even I, the great lunatic sage, FRAU KOLB, succumb to the allure, of a beautiful human (think: Don Draper in Mad Men) uttering brilliantly written lines as though they had just ***thought*** to say THAT outrageously well crafted LINE!  Wow, films and television shows thrill us and impress upon us the idea that somewhere else there are humans so slick and sexy that they never have to brush their teeth or eat right.  Films, videos, digital media…. all consume our attention and give back very little. Yet, books are friends that tell stories slowly, giving you time to think and flesh out ideas.  Read a good novel or two or ten this year.  I recommend it for your health.  I also say: “No, thank you!” to digital books.  They just don’t work for me.  But the more I read paper books, the more I love how slow they go.  I adore the space between the words.   I sip the stream of words and let each ideas percolate on my tongue   I savor the moments, meanings, and characters found in books.  When humans fail me, when life sucks, when I get confused and feel homeless: I retreat to books for comfort and warmth and to help repair my spirit.  Try it.  It might work for you, too. 

13.) Focus on finance, with February right around the corner, it is time to think about your fiscal health.  Did you budget properly for the holiday expenditures or did the holiday hype take you by surprise, again, this year?

14.) Are you brushing up on your French/Mandarin/Portuguese?  GOOD!

15.) Plan a vacation for yourself.  You can and will go somewhere fun this year.  

16.) Spend time with your favorite poet.  This year on New Year’s Day I dove into “Leaves of Grass,” by no-one-less than Walt Whitman.  Now… IF you haven’t read Whitman since grade school GET TO IT.  Whitman rocks.

17.) Get ready for the LA Contemporary Art Fair, which is the highlight of the social calendar for Muses and the Amused on the West Coast.  Get ready for whatever event floats your boat and can be this month’s highlight, plan one for each month, and thus, map out your year, sketching a picture of an ideally stimulating and uplifting mental landscape, sculpting an environment, rich with possibility for enriching your soul.

18.) Cultivate your lighthearted nature by spending time outside, inside, and everywhere-in-between enjoying the fact that YOU exist.  

19.) IF you are not aware of why you are alive, this might be a good time to figure that out.  Apply the steps above.  IF you are aware of your purpose (everyone has a least one if not thousands of good reasons to be good, kind, loving, and take care of others, better). 

20.) Try a NEW approach.  Reconsider your past moves and plan to dance to a new drum beat.  YOU, after all, are the only person that can make you happy.

21.) Wish everyone peace and prosperity.  There are more than enough resources for everyone on the planet to live well.  Yet, it is up to each individual to define who they are and what they want, while respecting the rights and wishes of others.  There is no need to compete with anyone other than your former self, this or any other year.  

22.) Stressed?  Take it as a sign.  You require rest.  Don’t let the demands of life wreck havoc on your self-care schedule.  Relax.  Do it as a duty.  Take a deep breath and exhale blessings onto this NEW year which stands naked before you.  Kiss it.

23.)  Kiss yourself.  Do it.  Kiss your elbows, hands, knees.  YOU deserve LOVE.  Give it to yourself.

24.) Pick clothes that address the whether best.  YOU don’t need a lot of gear. Trust me.  You only need one outfit or two that work without a hitch to get you from one season to the next in style.  Warmth is an issue for most of North America in January.  Keep warm.  Enjoy discovering new clothes that are on sale now and in February which will make your winter a pleasure.  

25.) Embrace the weather.  Enjoy the storms.  Plan ahead so you ALWAYS HAVE organic FOOD in the house, in the pantry, on the shelf… somewhere have a treat or two stocked… so that when it is really cold out you can snuggle up with a good book, a brandy, or a camomile tea… and when you do curl up like a baby in uterus think: thank goodness, I have a home.  IF however, you are homeless and happen to be reading Frau Kolb’s blog for kicks at the public library, I’d like to ask you… WHY?  I mean, “Why, are you homeless and reading Talkinggrid at the public library?”  I think that is weird.  I don’t mean being homeless is weird.  Many people, millions… maybe are homeless, right?  I don’t know.  I’ve not been homeless in a couple decades and when I was I was young and it was a choice because I wanted to LIVE and adventures beckoned. Any way… embrace the weather.

26.) Pat yourself on the back: you made it this far.  Not only did you survive 2013, which truth be told was a really challenging year, but you read all 26 of Frau Kolb’s 27 recommendations or suggestions for cliche busting paradigm shifting ways to launch the NEW YEAR in style, bonbons of sweet truth meant to enlighten and excite you and encourage your personal growth, which is what Talkinggrid is becoming…. a place you can come and read about how and what Frau Kolb might do to get through “The Valley of Death,” which is so familiar to many people, that suffer quietly and feel lost in the crevice of creation which is NOW and HERE.

I’m no Virgil.  Yet, I’m one woman, making my life work, well enough… that I keep writing, reading, dancing, playing music, loving painting, and dreaming creating, producing, and discovering ART projects in 2014.  

 I’m not going to deny that 2013 was a rough bitch in high heels and a leather corset.  It was… Yet, we made it past her cruel embrace and now we can run head long into the NEW!

27.)  This is not the last nor the final word on ways to celebrate and get your year off to a good start.  You have to invent your own rituals, create traditions which work for you and your family.  Don’t just do what everybody else does and then feel bad that your life doesn’t work for you.  YOU must tailor your life to meet your needs and cease judging other for not having the same exact values as you.  If we all wanted or were the same person, there really wouldn’t be enough resources for us all to thrive.  There are, yet… it is up to us to learn to use what we have in a way that best works for ourselves and others.

Now, I wish you a solid, worthwhile year. 

I wish you the strength and understanding to know that your year will be whatever you decide to make it.

Go LUCK!  (For Fortuna is a raging whore ready to eat you alive, much like Kronos did his children…)

Big hug, 

Frau Kolb