The multi-colored days, the crisp season, of din celebration(s) have caught up with us, again. We hurtle toward the close of another successful year.
Successful? You ask.
Yes. Successful. You made it to this point and boy o’ boy am I thankful that YOU made it here. It is truly amazing that YOU and I are here, together, now. YOU breath. I BREATH!!! We can’t ever stop being thankful for every breath we are able to take. They don’t go on forever. Each breath is a gift for which we can be very grateful. Add to that gift the many skills, possessions, abilities, and desires that bring you here to me, to this particular page.
Why are you here? I wonder. Yet, I know that for some, Talkinggrid, is an alternate Muse Source, a spot of inspiration, an on-line destination to go for the private brand of elegant “Muse News,” Frau Kolb churns out. You don’t know exactly what it is that brings you here again and again but here you are again. Smiling at Frau Kolb’s quirky interests in things others have no time for, like peace. Talkinggrid isn’t like any other blog because it comes from Frau Kolb and reflects a way of being that may be perversely traditional or radical in its optimism. Regardless, Frau Kolb always makes you feel comfortable. Hospitality is my forte. I intend to constantly remind you that, well, we are privileged to be able to be us, to share and have ideas, to witness and shape our culture, to learn and expand on language(s), to swim in the underlying stability of being in a perpetual state of faultless grace. If you are reading this site it is because you relate to me, Frau Kolb, as part of a larger whole of artists, creatives, expansive souls. WE are part of a constellation, a universe, a little world of thinkers wired for abundance, joy.
You relate to the idea of Frau Kolb. We are either friends, family, colleagues, or otherwise connected. We are ONE in our ability to appreciate, to THANK each other, to love. Thus, you return to this page and I keep writing. We have made a pact of mutual support. I will continue to collect words, ideas, images to share with you. You will continue to click LOVE! Thank you for the many shares, the bounty of being that makes writing for you, a pleasure, a vessel full of joy. You will continue to read, to comment. Of course, I don’t know for sure what you will or won’t do, but I am THANKFUL that you have made donations and encouraged me with praise. I thank you for thinking of me as interesting for even one nano-second. You bless me with your attention, time, critique. Most significantly, I am thankful to those that read my errors and point them out, so that the Muse News I produce is comprehensible, enough. I’m glad for The English Grammar Police in my life that stood up to me when I want to replace the word “but,” with “butt,” gratifying the perpetual sophomore in me. I’m grateful that my dearest friend’s attempt to stop me from failing to communicate, appropriately.
Now don’t forget:
Thanksgiving is an opportunity to THANK YOURSELF. Yes. You. YOU ROCK!!! You, Dear Muse(s), are so inspiring! I could write poetry about the shimmer that is your hair, cascading. Curling. Rising in waves like the ones painted by Turner. I might decide to focus my mind on describing the KINK that is your bush. Who knows? I could sing SING sing your praises with paint, creating a portrait of you worthy for a Presidential HOME. Please, make Frau Kolb happy and thank yourself for all the breaths you take and steps to make life bearable for you and those that depend on glorious, sane, and reliable YOU for stability, love. Make sure that you focus on all the very good things you have done for others this year. Make a list. Then make a more important list, how have you show thanks to yourself in 2014? How have you demonstrated your devotion to your dreams, your values, your talents?
Thank the ones around you. How have your children, siblings, lovers, friends, and enemies contributed to honing your skills, making you stronger, and filling you with energy to move forward in every aspect of your life? Thank the trouble makers the ugly policy makers, the bad drivers, the incompetent mothers, Thank them ALL because without The Racists, The Cops, The Fuzz, The Blacks, The feckless Poor, The dirty Rich, The Drunk Drivers, and The Incompetent Mothers, You would be ALL ALONE. YOU would have no one to play with, no one to love. Thank the lady that cuts you off mid sentence to tell you you have no clue who you are, to advise you on your destiny, to sell you a slice of paradise for an internet donation. Thank her!
Thank Frau Kolb for all her unsolicited advice, which comes from her experience of managing life, love, friendships simply by being thankful and allowing all to flow as it will, while nodding in wonder at the splendor of possibility that constantly is. Thank me for my friendship, for the words of support I’ve lavished upon you. Thank me for the attention I pay to your art work. Thank me for eating your home cooking, and willfully supporting you. Thank me for cooking for you, setting the table, pouring the wine, and writing this juicy blog.
You are welcome.