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December 2016: Celebrating The End

Hello and thank you, old friend for coming and visiting

Frau Kolb and The Talkinggrid, again.  We return to each other, like lovers seeking stray kisses across a mountainous duvet.

“Darling!” I squeal.  Arms link.  Hugs melt away tension, raise spirits.  We hug.

“Most sincere and honored being!!! How delighted I am to see you!!!”

Take my hand, let us sit, eat.  Feast!  Drink and be open with me, unlock the doors of your soul.  I am waiting, receptive yet patient and full of an uncanny ease that comes from persevering, past exception and desire, leaving Death waiting and returning to the world of dish washing and stir climbing.  Home life is central now.

We haven’t spoken in months!  Where does the time go?  “I went to to the bank where The River Styx flows.  I was on the ferry amid the putrid stench of rotten expectation and desire.  Where were you?”

My mirror image, you might say:

I’ve returned.  I am here to entertain you, to remind you to laugh at my mistakes if your own are not juicy enough.  I am here to nurse you, feed you off the teat of my intellect, regardless if you judge my skills to be fine or not.  I am your friend.  I host you and care about your children even if you haven’t had any yet.  I care.

I am moved by your eloquence.

We haven’t gotten cosy, talked about the intimate details of our lives, investigated the lineage that defines us as parallel figures in history, in ages.  We haven’t deconstructed how magical it is that our orbits ever touched and that we both know the magical feeling of touching each other’s souls.  We haven’t undressed and danced in the moonlight of the Jersey shore, but there is always the possibility.

We have met, many so many times that you think you know me.  I hate to inform you that that is an illusion.  You know the me that has floated up on the internet for you to see and dissect, at will.  I invite you to take apart an image, this season.  Shred one of  your hard won traditions, a sacred “cow,” try to buy nothing… give it all… love like love is on the brink of extinction and you and only you can save it.  Mirror me, if you please, become the person you dreamed you might be.

I said my goodbyes and then was granted a coda which will extend into the ether, diminishing only when the applause die down.  The applause haven’t begun, yet I expect they will start soon, thereby allowing me to enjoy another year, or two, or ten, twenty works—sort of—but I’m just getting started.  I am open to hanging out at art gallery openings in forty or fifty years when I am beyond the silver citizen stage and have become pure social gold,  a butterfly made of metal.  I intend to be the old lady with a gaggle of admiring suitors and invitations to spare.  You know her, right?

Mirror each other’s most gracious gestures.  Learn to imitate the ones we admire and let leaders be representative of our best traits.  Don’t be afraid to be shallow, as long as you present a polished surface onto which others can project super human qualities.  Let’s look to each other for inspiration. Be better.  Be healthy.  Smile.  Eat more veggies.  Improve yourself the way you polish the specks on the surface of your super smart phone.  Shine!


Frau Kolb and The Talkinggrid

PS: To my friends in Berlin.  I love you.  Christmas markets are sacred.  I’m sending love from Southern California.

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NOW, Pull Yourself Together

Part of “Australian Animals,” series by Frau Kolb, Acrylic on various (3×5″) panels,

Los Angeles, California September 2013

You are living, reading.  You clicked your way to this page, where you often visit, to see what Frau Kolb is up to.  What is she UP to now?  I understand your curiousity.   I am curious, too.

I write.  You read.  You probably write, too.  Do I read your blog?  Or is your blog only in your head?  Is it something you THINK about doing, writing and don’t do?

Well… writing is a practice.  You get better at it the more you do it.  And… well, I’m glad I can type FAST.  If I had to struggle with the mechanics of sentence structure and just getting the words down was a challenge this blog wouldn’t be slowly but surely gaining momentum.

I’ve had some set-backs, for a moment I was visualizing this more as a on-line zine, with guest writers, featured and focused on, and I was planning my role to be more a behind-the-scenes,  an administrative one.  I thought I’d pay to have a jazzy platform built and… and… But… it turns out that IF I’m not careful this page will end up being like everything else on-line soul-less and commercial… that first vision did not work out.  So…. here I am typing and sharing with you samples of what flows from my head to hands.

Recently, I’ve been working on this series of paintings, “Australian Animals.”  Above is one example and if you are interested you can look under “Zoom in with Frau Kolb,”  for more examples of my recent figurative painting(s), a series I am making with my daughter in mind.  I’m painting so that she will have an encyclopedic reference on what kinds of strokes, modes, methods I have mastered.  I used to be an abstract painter and I learned a lot about patterns and creating visual harmonies in that capacity.  Yet, for me there was something pattently false about painting in Clement Greenberg mode.

I’m glad that these attractive, unassuming, “Australian Animal,” puzzle pieces exist.  I plan on making at least eight hundred of them.  This is to be a full body of work.  I’ve heard from a few people that they want to BUY these.  I am not opposed to selling them, after they are all done, complete, and shown in a respectable gallery.   So… If you feel you MUST OWN well I might, maybe, well… whoever the dealer I allow to represent this work… WE SHALL SEE.  In the meantime, I welcome your compliments, donations (Champagne fund), and invitations to fascinating events.   I’m honored that you make time to read this simple blog and that you appreciate that words pile up hot one on top the other until a world of knowing is born.

Best regards,

Frau K.